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Apply at Stavanger's only Montessori school!

We want Montessori to be a school that can assess each student’s abilities and needs in all aspects, so that the child’s development and comfort will be met to the fullest. We have qualified educators to make sure that the physical and socio-emotional needs are taken care of.

We cover the grade levels 1st-10th grade and we have now opened for new applications!
The school practices continuous intake. As long as there are vacancies at the school, we can admit applicants. Admission is made according to the school’s admission regulations when applying.

Send an application today to secure a place at our school!

PS: We offer 25% sibling moderation for your second child to attend our school.

Information about the child

Guardian 1

Guardian 2

Other children

What is Montessori?

Montessori’s education is focused on teaching children from birth to into adulthood and aims to make the children independent initiators who contribute to the community. The environment in the education will lay the foundation for the children’s own development and learning, and the adults will guide, facilitate and support the children to manage on their own. There should be room for trial and error and learning from one’s own experiences.

Montessori’s education emphasizes the responsibility we have to take care of each other, the society we live in and the planet we live on. It’s important to teach how everything is connected and there are several common threads throughout the student’s education.

One common thread is the balance between independence and interdependence and adaptation. The children will learn together how a society works and how they can develop themselves while also supporting others.

Another common thread is the need and urge to work, effort and activity in learning. Montessori students have an inner motivation and curiosity to investigate and explore. If required, the students will use what they can find to develop themselves and learn.

The third common thread is an unshakable belief in human potential. We see immense potential in all our students and we will do everything we can to facilitate the conditions for teaching and remove all obstacles that slows down this development.

Montessori school in motion

What sets us apart from other schools?

We have both primary and secondary school

We have mixed age groups

At Montessori everyone gets to manage their everyday school life

At Montessori we make sure everyone is seen and heard

Our students...

…can expect to be seen and heard every day. Where unnecessary rules and restrictions are gone. Where they have a greater opportunity to choose for themselves how they solve tasks and which topics they want to focus on. Our students can freely move in the classrooms since they do not have fixed desks. They can postpone teaching sessions if they are busy with work in another subject. And they can expect to have a certain order and overview of their own learning and future development.

Information about the child

Guardian 1

Guardian 2

Other children

Our parents...

…can expect a school where their children are seen as individuals and will receive the support and challenges needed to develop themselves as far as possible. They can expect an education where their children will discover how to master and develop their independence and their sense of responsibility for the community.

Montessori school in Stavanger was the first school I have been to which really made me feel seen and treated as a real student. There are fewer students so we all get to be seen on an individual level and not just as a number in a school. The freedom to learn how I want has really helped me a lot, I can move at my own pace and process the information as I want. Even though i only went there a year, Stavanger Montessori has always been the best school I have ever attended, both in terms of results and environment.

-Iben Lystad Lone

What sets us apart from the other independent schools

Norlights Montessori school Stavanger is an independent school. This means that we receive state aid that covers 85 % of our operating expenses. The parents covering the remaining 15 %. The tuition fee for our school is 2 500,- a month for 11 months, which makes us cheaper than most others in the area.

Our school is philosophy-neutral and is the only school with Montessori education in Stavanger and the surrounding area. The school is also one of the few 1-10 schools.

There is a myth that students at Montessori schools “do what they want”. This is not the way it is, but rather the way our students “want to do what they do”. Montessori students have an inner drive that is not slowed down by unnecessary restrictions or other obstacles to the development of their creativity and work ability.

Tuition fees

A student place for the upcoming school year costs NOK 3,000 per month for 11 months (a total of NOK 33,000 per year). The amount of tuition fees will be adjusted within the framework set by the authorities. There is an administration fee of NOK 1,000 when confirming admission. The student’s admission is considered mutually confirmed when the school fees for the first month and the administration fee have been paid. Both parents are financially responsible for the tuition fees being paid. In the event of significant breach of contract, the student may lose the school place.


En elevplass for skoleåret 2019/2020 koster kr 2 500 per måned i 11 måneder, (totalt kr 27 500 per år).
Skolepengebeløpet vil bli justert innenfor de rammmer som settes av myndighetene. Det påløper et administrasjonsgebyr på kr 1 000 ved bekreftelse av skoleplass. Elevens skoleplass anses gjensidig bekreftet når skolepengene for første måned samt administrasjonsgebyret er innbetalt. Begge foreldre er økonomisk ansvarlig for at skolepengene blir betalt. Ved vesentlig mislighold kan eleven miste skoleplassen.

Norlights Montessori school Stavanger

Our school was established in 2016 and started off with premises on Buøy. From autumn of 2017, we have been located in premises at Forusbeen. We are in the planning process of building a new school, also at Forusbeen, close to the nature that we so often use in teaching. Architects have designed a Montessori school that has been customized to our use. There will be room for a total of 150 pupils.

The school is a 1-10 school where the students go in mixed age groups. The coming school year we have three groups; 1.-3. grade, 4.-6. grade and 7.-10. grade. Each group has a tutor and one or two assistants. In addition, we have a subject teacher for practical-aesthetic subjects and special educators.

The groups have varied sizes, with the youngest being the largest, with just over twenty students. The intermediate level group is fifteen students and the youth level group is ten students, so far this year. Expect the size of the groups to vary year to year.

In the administration, we have a principal, pedagogical leader who is the department head for the educators, SFO leader who is the department head for the assistants, and office staff. We have a total of 14 employees and around 45 students. The adult density at the school is therefore high.

We follow the same plan as other schools in Stavanger, but we have a slightly longer school day since we are a full-time school. The school days are from 08.30-14.30 Monday to Thursday and from 08.30-12.00 on Fridays. We have SFO every day until 4.30 pm.

Our students have no homework, they only need to bring lunch to school every day. We use indoor shoes to help the cleaning staff keep the floors clean. The students have to take responsibility to clean and tidy up after themselves.

*For information

It is important that everyone who starts at our school informs us of any changes to their contact information immediately. At regular intervals, we review the waiting list and inquire whether there is still interest in attending our school among the applicants who have been on our list for over a year. If we do not receive any feedback on our inquiry, the student will be deleted from the waiting list.

Forusbeen 35
4031 Stavanger

+47 94 08 20 52